why do i believe in the unknown

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Zale45e's picture
why do i believe in the unknown

Because the world’s greatest philosophers and scientists all were directly involved with secret societies, such as the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons, and other. Science was alchemy, and alchemy is science.

We understand what gives rise to black holes and their spacetime geometries. We know how new species of life can evolve and the statistical rules that govern such processes. We even have a pretty good understanding of the exact moment in which the universe, and thus of all reality, came into existence. Yet With all that scientific explanations, we still dont understand our consciousness. That's why i believe we are still at dawn of science. I will always be open-minded and also skeptical. But, I will never dismiss that which we dont understand.

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Sheldon's picture
I don't know what you mean by
arakish's picture
Because the world’s greatest
Zale45e's picture
were secret*
David Killens's picture
The unexplained is ...
Zale45e's picture
All I'm tryna say is rational
Nyarlathotep's picture
Everything relies on some set
Zale45e's picture
Arent atheists who think the
LogicFTW's picture
Yeah and those cultures are
Nyarlathotep's picture
adam22 - Arent atheists who
David Killens's picture
Sapporo's picture
Believing in things that
LogicFTW's picture
Can a conscious mind ever
Sapporo's picture
I don't find the concept of
Zale45e's picture
That's self-awareness. Self
LogicFTW's picture
But are we truly self aware?
Zale45e's picture
You brought up an interesting
3point14rat's picture
I too am amazed by
chimp3's picture
adam22: "the dawn of science"

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