Why Do Atheists Lack Belief in God? When There is Evidence for God

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Anonymous's picture
Why Do Atheists Lack Belief in God? When There is Evidence for God

That which does not exist, non-existence of nothingness can't cause or create something because it doesn't exist; besides, we have evidence only for causation and no hard evidence of something from nothing.

Other atheists try a different tactic with nature. They say there was an infinite regress of cause and effects, but if that were true, you would have had an eternity to come into being before now so you should have already happened.

Therefore, nature or the universe needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, being uncreated by the uncreated Creator God.

Very simple so anyone can understand.

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Lmale's picture
I thought you said you had
Shock of God's picture
God didn't come from nothing,
Ellie Harris's picture
Again the Kalam arugment. it
Shock of God's picture
The problem with this entire
CyberLN's picture
Your argument is chock full
Lmale's picture
Lol theist 'logic' its like
Shock of God's picture
Please demonstrate any
Lmale's picture
1 you assume god exists this
Lmale's picture
4 you assume timeles entities
Lmale's picture
Now lets look at facts
Shock of God's picture
First of all, my entire
Ellie Harris's picture
"Continuing this type of
Lmale's picture
Yea tho im wary that thos guy
Anonymous's picture
We observe trillions of cause
CyberLN's picture
Atheism must be rebuked at
CyberLN's picture
You going to answer this
Wireguy73's picture
I would type out huge
Zyklus's picture
You say that we have evidence
Lmale's picture
Revivin has been banned just
Ellie Harris's picture
revivin you are still begging
Anonymous's picture
Lmale's picture
Erm statistics prove atheists
Anonymous's picture
Lmale's picture
Erm by the way mormons are a
ex-christian_atheist's picture
"The numbers for atheists are
Ellie Harris's picture
"Therefore, if you were
Ellie Harris's picture
If god is all powerful, all
Lmale's picture
Stalin and hitler were
Lmale's picture
"Christians have made the
CyberLN's picture


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