Why Can't All See The Truth?

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SerengetiLion's picture
Why Can't All See The Truth?

I think for the amount of people who still believe a god of creation exists it just proves our species hasn't fully evolved with intelligence enough to know the opposite is actually true. An example of another species in that some are intelligent and the rest are mediocre intelligent is the feline, here's proof: the lion is the ONLY feline/cat species among all of them that is smart enough to know that banding together/living socially is the way to be successful in surviving thus thriving. This is the reason they are deemed "king of beasts." But thrive they are no more.... why...simple...man/humans. This reality that is now makes me hate those that are so freaking ignorant and "stupid" to take all this planet has to offer and destroy...

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Cognostic's picture
SerengetiLion: "the opposite
Sheldon's picture
"the amount of people who
Cognostic's picture
This will be a hit and run
humblebill's picture
would state that since the
xenoview's picture
humblebill's picture
Well since you mention the
arakish's picture
@ bally zorcany
Nyarlathotep's picture
billy zarcone - Things like
David Killens's picture
@billy zarcone
xenoview's picture
humblebill's picture
Objective evidence is that we
arakish's picture
@ billy zarcone
xenoview's picture
Cognostic's picture
The "God is real because
humblebill's picture
Well haven`t you experienced
arakish's picture
@ billy zarcone
Cognostic's picture
billy zarcone. "Well haven`t
humblebill's picture
i could give you and site you
LogicFTW's picture
@billy zarcone
humblebill's picture
yes I would still keep on
Tin-Man's picture
@Billy Z Re: "You see logic
Cognostic's picture
Then what are you doing here?
David Killens's picture
So what has your god done for
Devans99's picture
humblebill's picture
Not for anything Dan but i
Nyarlathotep's picture
Great, now we got two guys
Tin-Man's picture
This is AWESOME!!!... *Giant
arakish's picture
***tree standing nearby
Devans99's picture
The book of revelations was
humblebill's picture
Well not as the catholic and


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