I don't really understand why there is so much hate for God? With out him we wouldn't be here alive today breathing his air. Why not love him?
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Hi Locky,
So, in your profile, you state that you are an atheist, then you write this post.
I can't speak for other atheists, but I don't hate god. How can I hate something that does not exist?
Now, hatred for religions is another matter.
Hello Locky77.
I don't hate god. There's nothing there to hate, really. I hate people who use god superstitions to enrich themselves and wield power over others. I also hate hypocrites to claim to be one thing and act like something else.
I have a lot of respect and regard for Christians I was one myself not that long ago, I just after examining the evidence don`t see him as a reality in my life. when I was slowly leaving the faith the bible didn`t inspire me anymore. Church was meaningless to me, So was Christian fellowship.I would say that I don`t hate the idea of God
@simply agnostic or devout christian or whatever you call yourself at the moment.
Why the fuck are you still here? You have NO standing, no credibility, no reason to be here.
Let me get this straight.. You claim you are an atheist but you don't hate the idea of a god?? Why not? All kinds of suffering and pain can be attributed directly to people's god beliefs. Example: Flying airplanes into the twin towers and the pentagon
1) Change your profile....you're NOT an atheist.
2) Atheist don't hate god or gods. We just don't believe in a god or gods.
3) We ARE here without a god. No one has proven any god.
I don't think it's so much God or even the lack of a god, but the phony motherfuckers that say they represent God. That's who's turning people away from God the most.
You wrote: "That's who's turning people way from god the most." Fascinating. Which god are you referring to specifically. My personal favorite is thor... or maybe aquaman.
Aquaman? No one worships that guy. Take Apollo. Now there's a god.
Really. Can apollo talk to fish?
I'm starting to think that Simply Agnostics whole aim is to drive mykob to the brink of insanity.
that will never happen
mykcob4 and I are about the same age. A trip to the brink of insanity is like a round trip to Dairy Queen to pick up a Blizzard.
You nailed it chimp.
We are breathing the air just fine without your imaginary god. Loving God would be like loving the Easter Bunny. It just doesn't make any sense to atheists. The idea that we hate God is a religious concept that slyly assumes that God exists. We don't make that assumption.
Hate? Hate what god?
I have no belief in any god, but as an anti-theist, I despice what unwarrented beliefs is doing to the entire human race.
Take an hour or so to read here...
Hate god? Atheists don't believe in gods.
lets all love one another, no matter if you are for gods existence, Or not we should respect and love one another.
@ simply agnostic.
Think about what you are saying. "lets all love one another". Now, why should we do that? Granted we shouldn't hate one another either, but LOVE one another? I don't even know most of these people. Why should I commit to an emotion that I reserve for certain people I know? To love someone is to commit to that person in a certain way. Now I understand loving humanity, but most humans are not humane and don't deserve such love. I actually regard most of humanity with contempt.
No, I think I will remain indifferent to most people, contemptuous to a great many, amiable to some and love just a very few.
I agree, No. We should respect and love one another. I don't love or respect lots of people. For example, I neither love or like or respect people who misrepresent their religious convictions
How do we hate - or love, for that matter - something we don't believe even exists?
If you are referring to the Christian God from the bible (millions of other claimed Gods)
Then this is why there is probably hate, by theists themselves:
(1) God TOTAL kill count in bible = 20 million +
(2) Satan TOTAL kill count in bible = TEN.
The real question should probably be, WHY DO THEISTS NOT LOVE SATAN?
If you are including Job`s family in Satan`s kill count, remember it was a hit ordered by Yahweh. From what I have seen in the bible, Satan seems like an okay dude.
@PGJ: "God TOTAL kill count in bible = 20 million"
Is that based on the world population at the time of Flood? Have you included Sodom and Gommorah, Jericho, the plagues of Egypt? God was also responsible for every single death caused by Satan (e.g., Job's family).
God should get the electric chair.
You wrote: "Why can we not just love god for who he is and what he has done for us?" Here is my question for you: Why can we not just love the tooth fairy for who he is and what he has done for us? Part of the answer is that I don't believe that the tooth fairy exists. If you believe that a god or gods exist, you'd need to prove that claim before we can even begin a discussion about loving that god. By the way, my favorite god is thor, or maybe aquaman.
Here we go with Aquaman again. So he can talk to fish. Scientists have discovered fish have an attention span of 3 seconds. Who wants to talk to that? It'd be worse than talking to Trump.