Why the atheist afterlife is impossible

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Travis Alvin Brummett's picture
Why the atheist afterlife is impossible

Atheists think that nothing happens after death. That is simply not the case. It is impossible to cease to exist. If it was possible to cease to exist then nobody would ever be born. It's a fact that we are eternal beings. This human experience is only a temporary thing. We go back to being our infinite selves after death.

The state of nothingness doesn't exist. What happens after death is we do what our soul craves. The universe only gets better as time goes on, because the universe makes use of what new stuff comes into existence. So it's impossible to cease to exist.

We have no evidence of eternal oblivion too. For good reason, because we never die. We have it good on Earth so we should expect it will be even better after death. I'm not scared of eternal oblivion because it doesn't exist. We continue on to better things after death.

Fact of the matter is that the state of nothingness doesn't exist. We go life to life. As the universe evolves to be better.

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algebe's picture
I think your logic circuit is
mykcob4's picture
Algebe I see no difference in
algebe's picture
Hello Mykcob
mykcob4's picture
I agree. I just reach that
algebe's picture
@mykcob4 "You, of course,
ImFree's picture
Even if you religious belief
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Seaofmadness's picture
I respect slipknot0129 for
algebe's picture
Isn't "atheist afterlife" an
Nat Readerland's picture
Tough one. An atheist is a
mickron88's picture
then live the afterlife of
SBMontero's picture
@slipknot0129: You're wrong,
Travis Alvin Brummett's picture
Lol our science doesn't even
Jacob's picture
Mind If I ask how do you
SBMontero's picture
@slipknot0129: wait, wait,
ThePragmatic's picture
@ slipknot0129
Pitar's picture
It's always entertaining to
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
It's also fun to watch people
ImFree's picture
"It's also fun to watch
Dave Matson's picture
This is just your personal
Mikeykitty123's picture
So you are saying he's wrong?
Dave Matson's picture
It's a case of no credible
Sheldon's picture
I got through two sentences,
LogicFTW's picture
Yeah I wish they would create
Nyarlathotep's picture
I already use a bot to read

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