There is a question atheist's love to ask Christians, and that is "can you prove God's existence?" or "why are you a Christian?"
Now I ask you this question.
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Mainly because you can't "..... prove God's existence?" and you have no compelling or logical reason for being a Christian.
On what basis is your logic?
So you have a second question ….. ?
Very well...…
my logic is evidence based and sits largely on the provably fabricated nature of the so-called holy texts of the Abrahamic religions.
Of course I have another question. This is a debate. On what basis is this logic provable? In other words, your logic is human based, man made. Let me ask you this, how do you know your logic is provable?
"your logic is human based, man made. Let me ask you this, how do you know your logic is provable?"
All human reasoning is human based, what else would it be? Logic isn't "provable" either, logic is a form of reasoning based on strict principles of validation. Like science it has testable results, and it's validity is manifest in those results. Science and logic are the best methods we have, why would we not use them?
I don't believe claims for which no objective evidence can be demonstrated. It is also an axiomatic fact that humans have created fictional deities.
Why do you usually disbelieve in deities, you don't believe in them all obviously?
How are you asking me this question?
"How are you asking me this question?"
The same way you have asked yours.
Initially, it was for moral reasons. Later, it was because I knew the supernatural could never be proved to have any effect.
How could you ever know if the supernatural never took effect? It is not a matter of whether or not you can see it, Touch it, or feel it. If someone takes an apple from the flea market, and you never find out about it, does that mean the apple was never stolen?
Because if something has an effect, it is necessarily a natural phenomenon.
A "Natural Phenomenon" is in itself an effect. It cannot be both. A cannot be both A and B in the same time and in the same sense.
All natural phenomena are effects, and all effects are natural phenomena.
Prove it.
Natural: Of or relating to nature.
Nature: The summary of everything that has to do with biological, chemical and physical states and events in the physical universe.
Phenomenon: A thing or being, event or process, perceptible through senses; or a fact or occurrence thereof.
How is this proof?
I gave you the definitions of the words being discussed.
A supernatural phenomenon or a supernatural event is an oxymoron. All events happen within the laws of nature.
I was raised a theist but as my critical thinking skills improved, I began to realize that most of the stuff that came out of the bible was pure hoo hee, and I rejected organized religion. I still clung for and sought something spiritual, but after decades realized that in all of my inquiries and searches, there was no proof of anything supernatural or spiritual.
I believe in the real world, and there is absolutely nothing in religion that is in the real world. It is all fantasy.
On what basis is the Bible fantasy?
@Landon: On what basis is the Bible fantasy?
No Jews in Egypt. No Exodus. No Moses or 40 years in the desert. No Abraham. No 900-year-old people. No David. No Solomon. Nothing written down by Jesus. Nothing written about him until a century later. No physical evidence. No reliable eyewitness accounts of amazing events, such an earthquake and walking dead. Conflicting stories about the resurrection.
And of course. No god.
Everything in the Bible is plagiarized, mistranslated, forged, or incorrectly copied.
Try writing out the New Testament by hand using a quill pen and parchment by candlight. How many errors and omissions will you make? Now have your copy copied by another person. And another. And another. Then translate it all into French, then German, and then back into English. That's your bible. And most of you Xtians haven't even read the bloody thing in its entirety. Did you know about 12% of Americans think Joan of Arc was married to Noah?
P.S. No flood. No Noah. No curse of Ham, so the Atlantic slave trade was all a big mistake. Sorry about that.
I do know this, and they are deceived. And, before you tell me there is no Noah, no Jews in Egypt, no Exodus(If you even know what exodus means), I think you should do your research. Think about this, 900 year old people vs. nothing becoming everything, or men coming from apes. If you know your stuff, you would know that more recently, there have been more copies of scripture found throughout, and, according to your science, these copies were made decades apart, yet your scientists can't argue with how consistent it is. You would also know that the writer of the books of the Gospel also wrote the book of Acts, in first person, which took place not even a half a century after Jesus's death. Maybe you should read it and study it yourself before saying I haven't. I did that while I myself was an atheist, and that would be the reason I was saved.
We don't even know who wrote the gospels and Acts, nevermind whether they genuinely knew a person called Jesus.
Again, do your research. WE DO KNOW THIS!!!!
I have done my research. They are all essentially anonymous accounts.
NOT AT ALL. You are deceived.
Please demonstrate how you know the identity of authors of the gospels. If you can demonstrate how you know their names, that would be a start.
If you could demonstrate how everything came from nothing, that would be a start.
I don't believe that everything came from nothing, so I can't help you there.
Then where did everything come from?