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Jack6's picture

I've recently seen enquiries to the effect as to WHY a loving, omnimax god would allow the sufferings of a 7 year old stricken with cancer. To which any Christian remains pitifully woe to adequately reply ..save the trite "God's Plan" reply.

Likewise, I've a "why" to ask of the resident atheists on this forum: WHY do you exist?

The standard reply to this query is that there need not be a 'why' to human existence...though you can't rationally appeal to this form of ignorance whilst condemning the same from the religious. WHY's that?....you may ironically ask.

Well, the question itself is fundamental to human existence itself; the necessary impetus for the sciences; as the quest for every effect's causation; the desire for understanding the processes which governs our universe and the human relation to it. Existentially speaking, to ignore the question is to cloak inellectualism within a shroud of ignorance...a conspicuous burying of the head in proverbial sand.

So once again: Why do you exist in the here and now, rather than in the near or distant past/future, why now as a male or female, specific culture or race...experiencing existence through your particular lens?


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Sapporo's picture
Ask you dad.
Jack6's picture
Sapporo's picture
He may know why you exist in
Jack6's picture
Why would that be of any
Sapporo's picture
quip asked me "Why?" a second
Sapporo's picture
I find the answer fairly
Jack6's picture
The subject matter is not
Sapporo's picture
quip: The subject matter is
Jack6's picture
How does nature determine and
Anonymous's picture
Because your mother fucked
Grinseed's picture
LOL Now, now Maggie. Be
Sapporo's picture
quip: quip's picture
Jack6's picture
You just implied otherwise.
Sapporo's picture
You just implied otherwise.
Jack6's picture
You implied a possibility
Sapporo's picture
You implied a possibility
Jack6's picture
On the contrary, it's
Anonymous's picture
How does nature determine and
Dave Matson's picture
Sheldon's picture
Not knowing something carries
Jack6's picture
I make no such claim thus,
Sheldon's picture
quip "I make no such claim "
Cognostic's picture
Sheldon's picture
"Existentially speaking, to
Jack6's picture
It's much more than a mere
Sheldon's picture
As i said you're simply
David Killens's picture
@ quip
Sheldon's picture
Jack6's picture
My answer is immaterial and
Sheldon's picture
ME "What evidence can you


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