Wht hasn't Neil Tyson Degrass been fired yet? (potential new evidence)

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thehighrollerm85's picture
Wht hasn't Neil Tyson Degrass been fired yet? (potential new evidence)

Why hasn't Neil Tyson DeGrasse been fired. He clearly has admitted to sexual harassment. I would like to show new evidence of potential sexual harassment that NTG must account for. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PSBCoiDGY0 In this rare NTG quote, he clearly exhibits a tendency for inappropriate sexual language at least. I would like this quote to be researched and debated.

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Deacon of Doubt's picture
Not sure how that indicates
Nyarlathotep's picture
thehighrollerm85 - He clearly
Deacon of Doubt's picture
After a bit more research, it
Nyarlathotep's picture
Right, Mr. Tyson is involved
arakish's picture
@ thehighrollerm85
algebe's picture
Sheldon's picture
So is this another drive by
thehighrollerm85's picture
It isn't an issue of me
Grinseed's picture
About the amusement park next
CyberLN's picture
Highroller, if I went to your
thehighrollerm85's picture
No, an accusation with out an
CyberLN's picture
Please give us your
arakish's picture
Either provide OBJECTIVE HARD
Nyarlathotep's picture
thehighrollerm85 - Tyson has
Sheldon's picture
You have been repeating this
Sheldon's picture
"Tyson published a response
thehighrollerm85's picture
NTG pulled up womans slieve
Sky Pilot's picture
arakish's picture
And I still say, provide


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Sheldon's picture
You're sounding more and more
Sheldon's picture
"NTG pulled up womans slieve
Sapporo's picture
We could assume he is
Sheldon's picture
"We could assume he is
thehighrollerm85's picture
I would hardly define my self
arakish's picture
Troll. rmfr


Attach Image/Video?: 

Sheldon's picture
"Can anyone prove he did not
arakish's picture
@ thehighrollerm85
Tin-Man's picture
@highroller (aka: TROLL)
algebe's picture
@thehighrollerm85: I demand
Cognostic's picture
If you can find sexual


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