Who would want to believe in a god that had his son killed?

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nttnt's picture
Who would want to believe in a god that had his son killed?

Dear Christian theists,

The Christian god supposedly let his son die to forgive the sins of mankind.

Problems I have with this

1. Why couldn't he just forgive humanity without letting his son get killed?
2. It's messed up that instead of just forgiving humanity, your god decided to let his son get killed.
3. Why would you want to follow someone like that?

The list goes on and on here people.


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Lmale's picture
Its quite simple its a lie.
nttnt's picture
I would "dig deeper", but it
Steve's picture
I'm guessing that as ritual
nttnt's picture
I agree completely with you
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
First of all, only 4 of the
Lmale's picture
Fact is no matter what they
efpierce's picture
Good points all; if we are to
Ellie Harris's picture
No we are not efpierce.
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Well for me it wasn't an
nttnt's picture
I agree jeff and I also think
Lmale's picture
Ramen :)
nttnt's picture
That would make them ignorant
Lmale's picture
No just ignorant they have
nttnt's picture
The definition of stupidity
Lmale's picture
Then the definition is wrong.
nttnt's picture
Then we shall agree to
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Lmale they are stupid,
CyberLN's picture
I don't think it's an all or
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
as i said, the tendency is
CyberLN's picture
Then do you agree that it's
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I"m am not saying that it is
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
If someone cannot even see
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Also beeing good at something
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You have to see theism like a
Chuck Rogers's picture
I have to say but yet I
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
chuck as usual you are a fine
Chuck Rogers's picture
First of all maybe you should
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
more ridiculous arguments?
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
chuck here is something for
Chuck Rogers's picture
Going to bed, will watch it


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