Where is God?

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mysticrose's picture
Where is God?

I have this friend who had been through a lot of difficult times in his life. He had undergone severe trials beyond his expectation and yet he remained committed to his religion.
He asked me where do I think god is in his life.
I don't want to answer him because I'm afraid to fall into something I can't stand.
I simply told him that he should be strong and face everything with goodness and courage.
If you were asked with the same question by a friend like him, what will your answer be?

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Rob's picture
Tell him that the only way to
mattyn's picture
That's a very good way to
myrobot's picture
Zaphod's picture
In each and every one of us,
SammyShazaam's picture
I was about to say the same
ginamoon's picture
I believe that our recent
CRLidke's picture
I understand where you are
DarkLight's picture
I think the main problem is
mattyn's picture
Thank you DarkLight! That is
Zaphod's picture
I forget exactly where I came
mattyn's picture
That philosophy works well
Zaphod's picture
I can agree with that, but
SammyShazaam's picture
I think that that is the
Rob's picture
Hey Zapho and Sammyshazaam
Carolann Neely-Engelhaupt's picture
Why are so many comments
SammyShazaam's picture
Agreed, but I've been hearing
Zaphod's picture
Or why is he dead?
Zaphod's picture
I dont think they are relying
mysticrose's picture
I appreciate all those

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