Where are all the ghosts

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Up To My Neck's picture
Where are all the ghosts

If each person is born with a soul, that leaves the body when we die, where are all the ghosts? I ask this tongue in cheek, but the idea of a soul is as thin as a priest with his pants unzipped credibility! Another thing that annoys the hell out of me.... when someone dies, you hear their loved ones say “well, at least he’s in heaven with Jesus “, How? Do you get judged immediately? The Bible speaks of judgement day, shall the graves open for us to be judged. So where are the billions of people who have died before today? Are they just hanging out,waiting for Jesus to get his ass down here? So again, seems to me that ghosts and religion would go hand in hand. Or to the clergy, hand in pants.

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Cognostic's picture
@Where are all the ghosts:
algebe's picture
@Cognostic: Okay, only 70% of
Cognostic's picture
Algebe: "Absolute Poverty"


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LogicFTW's picture
Cognostic's picture
@LogicFTW: Agreed! And
Tin-Man's picture
Re: "Where are all the ghosts


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dogalmighty's picture
who ya gonna call?
Sky Pilot's picture
Pirate Jack,
gupsphoo's picture
The belief in ghosts is not
Cognostic's picture
CHK-C: "Chinese, firmly
gupsphoo's picture
In case you're trying to
Cognostic's picture
CHK-C: I have lived in Asia
Cognostic's picture
And let's get more specific::
Sapporo's picture
The evidence for ghosts is
sujandinesh22's picture
And moreover why just ghosts
LogicFTW's picture
sujandinesh22's picture
Exactly. Just add some more
Tin-Man's picture
Maybe God has all the souls
Up To My Neck's picture
So, are all the ghosts around
Tin-Man's picture
@PJ Re: "So, are all the
arakish's picture
Where are all the ghosts?
Tin-Man's picture
Dammit, Arakish! Have you
arakish's picture
***bows boughs in shame***

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