Whenever christians come here, I.....

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mykcob4's picture
Whenever christians come here, I.....

....want to ask:
Where the hell are you from?
Why did you come here?
What is your purpose?
What do you hope to gain?

Are these people curious about atheist or what?
I think most of them just want to rant and seek atheist websites because they think that they are easy targets. I think that they are ALL individually insecure about their faith. That coming here they seek reaffirmation of their shaky faith. They don't want to get it from a real debate. They only are satisfied with with what THEY say. You can tell because they don't bother to even engage with any of us really. They won't answer the simplest question.
Oh. they start out seemingly honest enough. They start a thread, posting their question as if they really want to know what an atheist thinks. But when they get replies from atheist and it isn't the pat answer that they were seeking, they ignore it and start a rant, usually a hate rant.
How many times have we all seen threads started by theists that start out innocent, and end up just a bunch of unrelated quotes from the bible?
You can't reason with them, can't get them to answer any simple questions, can't even get a straight answer.
So each day when I check the Debate Forum and see a "christian" starting a thread, I say to myself, "here we go again!"

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Sir Random's picture
Finally, we can actually have
ThePragmatic's picture
But, how are we supposed to
Sir Random's picture
I hope you know you sound
ThePragmatic's picture
Be gone foul demon! :)
ThePragmatic's picture
A good example of what I mean
CyberLN's picture
Sir Random's picture
I don't think pork222 fits
ThePragmatic's picture
I think so. This gave the
Sir Random's picture
You mean we have "Atheist Hub
ThePragmatic's picture
Sure, why do you think
Seenyab4's picture
I have noticed this as well,
algebe's picture
I'm a newcomer, so I don't
Sir Random's picture
All right, since you used the
ætherborn98's picture
"Whenever christians come
Sir Random's picture
"hoping for converts"
ætherborn98's picture
Verily, verily, I say unto
Dave Matson's picture
Hawk Flint,
ætherborn98's picture
I said I was HOPING for
Kataclismic's picture
When I first came here I
mykcob4's picture
I didn't say ban them or keep
ThePragmatic's picture
@ mykcob4
ætherborn98's picture
"The agenda is to reaffirm
Sir Random's picture
"Uh-huh. And you do? You
mykcob4's picture
@Hawk Flint
Nyarlathotep's picture
Hawk Flint : a universe
Seenyab4's picture
"Uh-huh. And you do? You
Dave Matson's picture
Hawk Flint,
mykcob4's picture
@Hawk Flint
Dave Matson's picture
We do get a lot of low grade
Harry33Truman's picture
You're right on, they only


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