When you're called an atheist, do you feel comfortable?

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samking009's picture
When you're called an atheist, do you feel comfortable?

As a Christian, when you'r been introduced as a christian, you're happy because been a Christian Portrays to the individiual are been introduced to as a good person. Do you feel great like this as well when people call you hatist....sorry, I mean to say atheist :-) just that it sounds like hate. ( just poking...you guys here are great and I'm liking the atmosphere. Free speech and health atmosphere).

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damanar's picture
Why do you assume the
James's picture
you can tell who is a good
Trevor's picture
Go look for the thousand of
Tman127182's picture
For many centuries the word
Lauren's picture
I understand what you mean
mysticrose's picture
I'm not an atheist but I also
SammyShazaam's picture
Most of the biggest jerks I
charvakheresy's picture
I wouldn't mind being called
mykcob4's picture
1st of all when someone
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ZeffD's picture
Take a simple definition of
chimp3's picture
Never been introduced to
solidzaku's picture
I had a very interesting
Nyarlathotep's picture
Tzeentch - "Something that I

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