When will it be our time?

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mykcob4's picture
When will it be our time?

I was born in the late 1950s. I grew up with the civil rights movement, the La Raza movement, the Black Panthers, NOW, the coming out of the LBGT community, and many various groups seeking justice. The work isn't done for those movements and it looks like it may never be, but I was wondering when will this nation and the world finally accept atheists as normal people. When will our rights to not believe be recognized?
I am for almost every movement that seeks equality and justice for their segment of society but the most misunderstood and least recognized is the atheist demographic. Granted, we don't actually have an organization. Atheism isn't a social group or a biological difference. It is a personal choice to not accept a widespread pervasive myth.
I am not advocating special treatment as no movement I have mentioned is, just equality under the law.

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Burn Your Bible's picture
Something I have asked as
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mykcob4 - When will it be our
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