When can the Agnostic say 'Yes' ?

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Dworkin's picture
When can the Agnostic say 'Yes' ?


Following on from my modest thesis on the Agnostic, here is a further practical consequent of the thesis.

Question – Do you know that the existence of God is impossible?

Dworkin, ‘No’.

Q. - Do you know that the non existence of God is impossible?

Dworkin, ‘No’.

Q. - Do you believe that the existence of God is impossible?

Dworkin, ‘No’

Q. - Do you believe that the non existence of God is impossible?

Dworkin. ‘No’.

Q. - Do you believe that the existence of God is possible?

Dworkin, ‘Yes’

Q. - Do you believe that the non existence of God is possible?

Dworkin, ‘Yes’

From this, we see that Dworkin finds it impossible to know or believe the impossible, but impossible to know, but possible to believe that the possible is possible.

To clarify further, of course it follows from this that someone might believe that the impossible is impossible, thus leaving them with the belief (but not the knowledge) that anything and everything is possible, which is where I think that most clear thinking Agnostics will end up. There is the caveat that believing that everything and anything is possible, could include that the impossible is possible, which might mean that the possible might also be impossible, which I think clearly, is not possible.


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LogicFTW's picture
Dworkin's picture
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@ Dworkin
Cognostic's picture
@Dworkin: Back for a second
Dworkin's picture
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Dworkin, are you EVER going
Cognostic's picture
As an Atheist: you suspend
Cognostic's picture
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Dworkin's picture
Cognostic's picture
@Dworkin: Damn you are dense
Dworkin's picture
Cognostic's picture
@Dworkin: Re: "You can't
Sheldon's picture
An indigestible word salad
Dworkin's picture
Sheldon's picture
Sheldon's picture
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Dworkin "You are confusing
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Dworkin's picture
HumeMystic's picture
Sheldon's picture
Tin-Man's picture
Re: OP - "When can the
boomer47's picture
Dworkin's picture
Cognostic's picture
@Homer.... I mean Dorkin:
boomer47's picture
Dworkin's picture


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