What's with all the fake "fan sign" pictures and asking for donations?

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myusernamekthx's picture
What's with all the fake "fan sign" pictures and asking for donations?

I like how there are all these fake "Atheist Republic" sign pictures all over the website and requests for donations. What a bizarre website. I almost want to say that it's probably run by a guy who isn't even an atheist and he's just trying to cash in.

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myusernamekthx's picture
And then there's all this
mickron88's picture
it seems like you're really
Sapporo's picture
I almost want to say that
myusernamekthx's picture
"I almost want to say that
Sapporo's picture
myusernamekthx: Do you think
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
" unsuspecting nerds who
Terminal Dogma's picture
"these fake "Atheist Republic
RANJEET's picture
I think you suppose to mean
Tin-Man's picture
chimp3's picture
i have been here a few years.
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Nobody has asked me for money
David Killens's picture
Can you prove the fan signs
Cognostic's picture
@ myusernamekthx
CyberLN's picture
From the About page of this
Cognostic's picture
Do you have any idea at all
CyberLN's picture
If you are addressing the
Tin-Man's picture
CyberLN's picture
That’s exactly why I started
Cognostic's picture
Who are you? No one is
David Killens's picture
Is it time to haul out Robert
Tin-Man's picture
@David Are you talkin' to me?
Rohan M.'s picture
The real reason why they ask

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