What is your reason for being an atheist?

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jesusstilllovesyou's picture
What is your reason for being an atheist?

I am a Christian. I believe in God. I just wanted to start off by saying that. Also, I am wondering your, how should I put it..., testimony in becoming an atheist. What thing happened in your life to cause this. This isnt much of a debate, although it may become one, as it is something that I, a 15 year old Christian, is wondering about.

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Rob's picture
It's not so much about having
jesusstilllovesyou's picture
What is your reason for
Ellie Harris's picture
I heard the claim of a god
Shock of God's picture
I can give you a reason to
happilygodless's picture
So what? Even if I accept
Skeptilius's picture
Am I correct in assuming that
RobertDouglas's picture
That's a tautology.
Arellius's picture
When I look back on my
Miguel Phosteur's picture
The claim that there is a god
SammyShazaam's picture
Interestingly, one of the
Capt.Bobfm's picture
You were trained to believe
SammyShazaam's picture
Not all of us here lost our
CyberLN's picture
There are no reasons that I
SammyShazaam's picture
I always found it interesting
Jake Meadows's picture
Im not an athiest for any
mulletcar's picture
Because religion takes away
Fightersword's picture
Well, I'd actually been going
Zaphod's picture
Simply I don't believe in
Debra's picture
I became an atheist after
Debra's picture
I became an atheist after
Pedro Cassius's picture
Because there is no reason to
Xtify's picture
I was raised a christian. It
Ian Hall's picture
I was brought up in a
Deidre32's picture
I was a Christian since
Nicole Hovorková's picture
I didn't lose God all at once
Zaphod's picture
Since your question has been
Uzzman's picture
religion always exploit and
Mark 'Uilliam' Hood's picture
With me; upbringing and
Shock of God's picture
It seems to me that the most
CyberLN's picture
Certainly a lack of evidence


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