Everyone I know, including me, who has ever used drugs is ruined by them, this includes alcohol and cigarettes but excludes prescriptions for genuine medical purposes (though some are worse of because of that, too).
I know many famous artists and entertainers are fueled by their drug abuse, but I think that speaks more to the American population than the quality of the art. Ever since my introduction to alcohol, cigarettes and marijuana in college (peer pressure and all) my mind has turned to complete mush, my math sucks, my chinese sucks, my writing sucks (and I'm still working on a novel), and I can barely form what used to be cogent thoughts. I don't even know what's real or that I exist within a hit. I'm pretty sure my psychological meltdown was being I was high (since I had no issues with that until it happened). I have zero self control and am now rude, crude, and violent when I am told in the past I was a quiet, nice, smart kid. It is also impairing my ability to learn new things and remember old ones. If anyone knows of any studies that indicate a positive cognitive impact of drugs on the human brain, I would be happy to here it.
And now society views drugs as the cool thing to do. and not doing drugs means your lame and a loser
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