What is your impression of Afshin Javid?

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pork232's picture
What is your impression of Afshin Javid?

This was a man from the Middle East who was a devout Muslim. He was on a trip in Malaysia as part of an Islamic extremist group, He got arrested for having illegal documents, and was put in jail. In his jail cell, he was meditating, and experienced what he called djins.
He saw evil spirits attacking him. He called for Allah, no answer. Then, he called for Jesus and Jesus came suddenly and stopped the evil spirits who were choking him. After that, he asked Jesus for his holy book. The next day, one of the prisoners in another cell gave him a copy of the bible. He then decided to convert to Christianity. His whole testimony can be found all over the web. It is considered to be the most moving testimony by many. He even cries whenever he talks about his first ever meeting with Jesus. What do you guys think of him and his story?

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algebe's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
Gazpacho soup!
algebe's picture
What did I do?
Sir Random's picture
...........(Is clueless as to
CyberLN's picture
Oh, Tieler...No soup for you!
Nyarlathotep's picture
pork222 - He even cries
chimp3's picture
I have attended hundreds of
watchman's picture
pork232's picture
but isn't it possible that he
That one guy's picture
The heard mentality of

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