What would you do?

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Pitar's picture
What would you do?

An old co-worker of mine contacted me a couple weeks ago asking if I would volunteer as a personal reference for him. He's thoroughly convinced there's a god, being the child of missionaries and programmed as a soldier of the gospel army, and looking to spread it. With Africa and the orient opening up to the western world, new missionary opportunities (converts=money) are being exploited so seminaries are taking in new meat. He wants to be part of that carnage.

I recently got an email request from one of the schools he applied with to validate his background. I've got half a mind to vaporize it but knowing the kid, Honest Abe that he is, this is his dream come true. Should I ignore the request or color him the perfect disciple for their religious groove?

This is a test of your altruism versus your atheism. There's pain in them thar decisions.

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Eversman's picture
I think this is the part
D_Trimijopulos's picture
Will they hire somebody else
Pitar's picture
I'm in agreement with the
ThePragmatic's picture
Speak the truth?
Alembé's picture
Your former co-worker
Pitar's picture
Alembé's picture
@ Pitar,

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