What would you do?

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123jr158's picture
What would you do?

Being as serious as possible. What should you do when you are provoked to argue with a dedicated Christian? Only being 16, I do not know what to do other than to shrug off everything they say when I want to argue with them. I have been an atheist for sometime now but I still do not know what to do in a situation like this. What would you do?

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Zaphod's picture
Arguing means to me fighting
Spewer's picture
I have to disagree slightly
Zaphod's picture
I understand what you mean
123jr158's picture
Let me be more specific. In a
Zaphod's picture
I would only be able to put
AnimalLeader's picture
Bring all the knowledge you
Spewer's picture
Having been a devout theist
Zaphod's picture
I was going to answer above
123jr158's picture
So, just to get this right.
Zaphod's picture
Yes, wish there were more to
firebolt's picture
But how can you speak
ginamoon's picture
I think arguing with those
mysticrose's picture
Closed-minded people don't
SammyShazaam's picture
Great responses so far, but I

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