What would convince you of a miracle

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biggus dickus's picture
What would convince you of a miracle

Unlike most of my statements or claims which are 90% bullshit, this one is actually serious and straight forward. I was wondering what would it take to convince you of a miracle.

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mykcob4's picture
Nothing. If I couldn't figure
ThePragmatic's picture
What is a miracle?
biggus dickus's picture
definition an extraordinary
MCDennis's picture
I think you need to try again
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
I'm still as Athiest as
M_Kiik's picture
I wouldn't know what a
biggus dickus's picture
Well I personally think if we
MCDennis's picture
How would you test to
Nyarlathotep's picture
Biggus Dickus - Well I
ThePragmatic's picture
- "It's a miracle!"


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mykcob4's picture
A miracle would be if every
CyberLN's picture
What would convince me
Pitar's picture
Invalid and pointless premise
algebe's picture
"Any sufficiently advanced
Sky Pilot's picture
A cool miracle would be if
Kataclismic's picture
I don't really know about
Dave Matson's picture
What would it take for me to
biggus dickus's picture
Ever heard of the miracle of
Endri Guri's picture
A Miracle? Well if God popped
xenoview's picture
One of the human created gods

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