What is the science of death?+the soul

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zuzu67's picture
What is the science of death?+the soul

[plagiarized material deleted, read it here - Nyarlathotep]

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arakish's picture
Unfortunately. No one knows.
zuzu67's picture
I disagree. Science did get a
MrHolbyta's picture
Atoms enter and leave the
zuzu67's picture
arakish's picture
Want to know why they quit
zuzu67's picture
they quit?. Do you know how
arakish's picture
None. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
Sheldon's picture
"Do you know how many agents
MrHolbyta's picture
Well I feel stupider for
zuzu67's picture
the atom im talking about
Sheldon's picture
"the atom im talking about
arakish's picture
Sheldon's picture
Good advice, I just hadn't
Nyarlathotep's picture
Don't you love how the new
Sheldon's picture
Complete nonsense, nothing
zuzu67's picture
does "thought" have a form or
Sheldon's picture
Demonstrate some objective
zuzu67's picture
i can literally pull CIA
Sheldon's picture
1. No you literally can't
LogicFTW's picture
zuzu67's picture
please elaborate on "thought"
MrHolbyta's picture
Why does it matter if
zuzu67's picture
Thought does not have a form,
David Killens's picture
@ tesfey
zuzu67's picture
Thought does not have a form,
MrHolbyta's picture
Let's say that's true. So
LogicFTW's picture
Sure it has form, a pathway
zuzu67's picture
If it were factual that
LogicFTW's picture
Thoughts are perceptions, and
zuzu67's picture
Thoughts are connected to


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