What regulates 'we the people'

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boomer47's picture
What regulates 'we the people'

Not looking for a justification for the existence of gods, simply rational or scientific answers to my following questions and observations. :

Have been thinking about this from when I began to think about the Corona virus.

It is my understanding the world wide ratio of male: female remains constant. Is that true? If not, groovy . If it is true, what is the origin of the regulating mechanism if indeed there is one?

It is also my understanding that there have pretty much always been events which regulate the human population. Things such as pandemics .Eg The black death and the flu pandemic of 1918.

Then of course there is always war somewhere, to varying degrees.

It is also my understanding that there is a major population spike following a war. The bigger the war, the greater the spike (?)

World war 2 killed about as many people as the 1918 pandemic, approx. 50 million. That was followed by the baby boomer generation.

Be interesting to see the rate of population growth after the combination of WW1 AND the following pandemic. If my understanding is correct, there should have been a massive population boom between 1918 and 1939 (1941 for the US) Notwithstanding the depression.

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