What "IT" makes you and what "IT" doesn't!

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mykcob4's picture
What "IT" makes you and what "IT" doesn't!

Believing in a god or gods doesn't make you a better person.
"It" doesn't make you a patriot to your respective nation.
"It" doesn't make you moral.
"It" doesn't make you impervious to pain.
"It" doesn't make you a better citizen.
"It" doesn't give you eternal life or immortality.
"It" doesn't make you superior in any way shape or form.
"It" doesn't give you authority over other people nature or animals.
"It" doesn't give you the right to judge, lord over, or dictate how people live their lives.
"It" doesn't give you any special insight on anything.
"It" doesn't determine your or anyone else's destiny.
"It" doesn't protect you from anything,....not even your made up "evil."

What "IT" actually does is make you a believer in an unproven theory that has no merit in reality.

So if any of you believers can tell me what else it does and actually PROVE it, I will be happy to metaphorically listen.

For those that don't believe, please list what else believers claim it does but actually doesn't.

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SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
"It" does not belong science
ImFree's picture
“What "IT" actually does is
charvakheresy's picture
What IT does is makes you
mykcob4's picture
Good to see you're back
charvakheresy's picture
Good to be back. Nice to be
Truett's picture
One thing that "IT" does is
mykcob4's picture
Like I said before Truett,
Truett's picture
Thanks a million, Mykcob!

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