What of if you eventually discover as an atheist that God exist and Hell exist?

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samking009's picture
What of if you eventually discover as an atheist that God exist and Hell exist?

What will be your fate as an atheist when if after death, you discover God exist and Hell also does exist? Will you be mad at yourself, or what will you be like?

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Tman127182's picture
which god and which hell? No,
Tman127182's picture
Question to you, what if god
samking009's picture
So, you do believe there is a
Tman127182's picture
again, believer in which god?
Atheist1490's picture
If the God that you’re
samking009's picture
I've said this before here on
Atheist1490's picture
So if God only helps those
samking009's picture
Its a test of faith. He who
Tman127182's picture
So then it's faith over
James's picture
If i eventually discover this
Rob's picture
If i got to discover it it
samking009's picture
But wouldn't that be too late
damanar's picture
Are you attempting to use
samking009's picture
Not really but for the
Tman127182's picture
I was a Christian, it's not
damanar's picture
Many atheists were theists.
Trevor's picture
I would say, "hey god, why
mysticrose's picture
I still don't know what to do
damanar's picture
What are your reasons for not
Rob's picture
I like the way you think. I
Strider's picture
Heather's picture
Please give me actual proof
mysticrose's picture
Damanar, hell for me is too
SammyShazaam's picture
I wouldn't be mad at myself
mickron88's picture
a 5 year old post..hahah..
Sapporo's picture
I could never worship a being
Cognostic's picture
I love posts that begin with
Sushisnake's picture
Cognostic's picture
I always call it the land of
David Killens's picture
What if the devil is more


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