What if you became the minority..

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Danny Craft's picture
What if you became the minority..

I completely understand the natural response many theists would have to this question, but try to think about it a little deeper before replying.
.. What if you saw the numbers of people who believed in your religion start to dwindle away (which they slowly are by the way) until just you and a few thousand or so were the only ones left? .. What if you went to your local house of worship, to find that no-one there believed any more? How many would it take for you to begin questioning yourself? Or do you think that no matter how many broke away from religion, you never would?

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mattyn's picture
I think the devoted ones will
firebolt's picture
I would stay true to my
SammyShazaam's picture
Well, as a West Indian, I can
mysticrose's picture
Few years from now, it is
doniston's picture
If you are caucasion or
beneames's picture
I'm a Christian and I
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I think that Danny did not
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I have four kids and I am
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
all of them.
beneames's picture
Wow that's a lot of judgment.
watchman's picture
So do you not know what your
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yea watchman, you are
beneames's picture
If I said to you "Man I could
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Again too generic as a reply,
beneames's picture
On the contrary, the context
ImFree's picture
Lloyd Blankfein and Wall
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"On the contrary, the context
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"teach them the way of Jesus:
beneames's picture
It seems reason is a little
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"It seems reason is a little
beneames's picture
It's not possible to answer
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Which ones do you want me to
beneames's picture
Ok here we go. This might get
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I said start with one of them
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
And when I mean rebel I mean
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
beneames's picture
"You call this justifying
CyberLN's picture
"Without forgiveness, you're
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
you speak about forgiveness,
maryam's picture
far about minority, now Islam


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