What if we're all wrong!
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@Sheldon: You could run away to the Philippines. That's my plan.
Looks like you're going through a lot. I'm sorry, Sheldon.
Thanks Rohan, things are a bit in limbo at the moment, but I'm just putting one foot in front of the other until I can take back control of my life. It'll sort itself out somehow, I'll just be considerably poorer, and working for a lot longer than I had intended. C'est la vie
Thanks guys, about to meet my solicitor for a low down on how bad this could get. I always found the image of Charlie Chaplin as a tramp walking in the sunshine with a hanky of possession wrapped around a stick over his shoulder quite a romantic image as a child. Homelessness is less romantic now I'm 53 and in ill health.
Have to think positive, she might get amnesia and forget all about me.
Sheldon, in the spirit of The Hound....
Use the last of your money to buy a suit of armour... and a big fucking sword!
Good luck pal.
Thanks, I'm ebullient, and just to make sure the quack in the local surgery has prescribed happy pills.
A rather disappointing Rioja, and a small (largish) Indian takeaway will boost my mood.
You will find I've already covered one tangential offshoot of the "what if we're wrong" question in a highly individual direction here. Needless to say, no supernaturalist would touch that possibility with a barge pole, even if the scenario contained therein was unleashed upon them as an engineering reality.
@ Calilasseia
I seem to be unable to resist your challenges. :-) What if the theists are wrong, is what I think you are asking.
If I am wrong, I am unaware that I am. The overwhelming evidence indicates to me that there is a God. Although the word evidence is misleading and inaccurate. It implies it is like a science puzzle or determining some fact. It is more like wisdom or seeing the forest for the trees. More like believing in true love. How can I provide evidence of true love that would convince a skeptic?
The cruel irony is that if the theist are wrong they will never know. They just die and it is over with. They are never confronted with their misjudgement. If the atheist are wrong, they will know.
That conclusion seems to require the hidden postulate if atheists are wrong, then your mythology is accurate: a controversial postulate.
Interesting how you've ruled out every potential competing mythology with a single hidden postulate. Perhaps some self reflection is in order as to why you would do such a thing.
@ Nyarlathotep
If there is no God and a person ceases to exists at death, then none of the theist will have a chance to know they were wrong.
Or said another, if there is no life after death, those who believe there is will never know it.
No hidden postulates. Just lumping all theists together with the common end of being wrong and not having a chance to know they were wrong.
If atheists are wrong and God exists, there is the assumed meeting of, or knowing about him after death, and so the refutations of there atheism.
A couple of sentences later you appealed to an assumption that you didn't include originally:
That was a hidden postulate.
Yet you can demonstrate none? Something doesn't add up with your claim.
@ Sheldon
Are you claiming that if God exists he can be demonstrated in whatever way you are implying?
Jo "How can I provide evidence of true love that would convince a skeptic"
There is overwhelming objective evidence. What on earth are you talking about?
Jo "if the theist are wrong they will never know."
Really? I don't think you've thought that through remotely. Hell is as likely to await the vast majority of theists as it is atheists, i only disbelieve one version of one deity more than them. Those seem piss poor odds to me. Doubly so when they clearly haven't a shred of objective evidence for theirs, and make the same subjective claims as all other theists.
You're kidding yourself if you think Pascal's wager is a sound reason to believe.
@ Jo,
"The cruel irony is that if the theist are wrong they will never know. They just die and it is over with. They are never confronted with their misjudgement. If the atheist are wrong, they will know."
...or, what if the Christian is wrong about the God he/she/zhe chooses. Ever consider what happens to Christians if it turns out Islam is correct? You'll be wrong and you'll know it.
on the other side, it's really hard for an atheist to be wrong when all they are saying is evidence presented is not sufficient for them to believe in a god.
Hah, in this fantasy land where there is a god, I predict there will be 2 lines into heaven:
An express line for atheist, where the gate keeper simply asks, why did you not believe in god, and the atheist says 2 magical words: "no evidence" and then is let in. (Because this is the reasonable approach.)
And then a long long slow line for all the religious folks. Okay what particular religion do you believe in, why do you think you deserve to be here, now we must consider your religion you so fervently subscribed too despite total lack of evidence, what did this religion do? "Oh.. ohhhh dear," yeah sorry you need to join that line over there that leads to down stairs.
@ Logic FTW
When the atheist says no evidence when trying to enter heaven they may be asked this question.
See that Jo guy over there? He is not nearly as smarted, educated or experienced as you.
Yet he was able to perceive the evidence and come up with the right answer.
So why couldn't you perceive the evidence and come up with the right answer?
@Jo Re: "So why couldn't you perceive the evidence and come up with the right answer?"
My answer to your god: "Well, gee, god, maybe because the brain YOU gave me isn't quite as perfect as you claim to be?"
Or, maybe this: "You are supposedly omniscient and omnipotent, right? Yet the best thing you could come up with to relay your "Perfect Message" was to use a book full of a hodge-podge of insanely vague, cryptic, and often contradicting stories written by barely-educated humans thousands of years before the advent of modern technology? The same book that was translated across multiple languages with varying interpretations and edited countless times by those in power who had personal and/or national agendas, therefore spurring thousands of different sects all claiming to be correct in YOUR NAME while also condemning all the others who do not interpret your "Perfect Message" the same as they do. But you are going to stand there and blame ME for not believing in you??? Ooooooo-kaaaaaaay....."
Or, the most obvious answer: "Why the hell you asking ME??? You are already suppose to know this shit, remember?"
Who says I am smarter more educated or experienced then you are? Especially considering if you out live me by decades? Certainly if we are sitting at the pearly gates it would seem you were the "smarter" more educated and experienced one in at least that arena.
But what is this "evidence" you say you have perceived?
▮I am an atheist that always likes a good debate
▮Please include @LogicFTW for responses to me
▮Tips on forum use. ▮ A.R. Member since 2016.
"So why couldn't you perceive the evidence and come up with the right answer?"
Would this answer be acceptable to you or your God...
In Spirit..." Let me get this straight. There are tens of thousands of religions. They all claim to be speaking the truth of God. Many of them believe in what they preach. Others are manipulating and deceiving people for their own desires. I've been raised by an alcoholic who would test me, deceive me, lie to me, beat me and break his promises. I have met many liars and deceivers and Jo and You God want me to put my trust in people when it comes to YOU? I think not. It confuses me. I feel like i'm alone in a jungle of vipers, not knowing who is the viper and who is not. So if there is truly anything out there, it is YOUR responsibility to make contact."
Is this acceptable Jo? And what if the answer is nothing compared to the God you believe in?
If your God responds I would tell it I have no intention of walking alongside someone who condones murder whenever He asks of it.
So far, no response from that God or any God.
How do you know if your evidence is from the written God or another God? Maybe another God is trying to reach out to you but you keep giving credit to the God of the Book.
Every religion has what they claim evidence of their God. Who has it right?
@ New Skeptic
That is why it is important to get it right and not just go with whatever religion is popular in our circles.
@Jo Re: "That is why it is important to get it right and not just go with whatever religion is popular in our circles."
...*wiping tears of laughter from eyes*... Woooo.... *deeep breath*... *quick exhale*... Oh, my! Sorry for the delayed response. Had to get control over that fit of laughter first. Mercy me! Wow! Anyway...
Soooo, let me see if I have this right. Countless numbers of different religions across the globe. Within Christianity ALONE there are several thousand different sects/denominations ALL claiming to be the TRUE followers of your god, while at the same time condemning all the other sects that interpret the same book differently. But YOU know for an absolute FACT you chose the "right one"?.... *blank stare*.... *corner of left eye starting to twitch*...
Edit to add: By the way, I have to ask. Are you trying to take over my position here as comic relief? Because you certainly seem to have a natural talent for it. I'm not jealous or upset, mind you. A little competition is a good thing in my book... *thumbs up*...
@ Tin-Man
I think your claims of it being to difficult for you to figure out are hollow. You can do it.
Stop making excuses that there are just to many sects or interpretations for you to figure it out.
Start by giving up the cynicism.
@ New Skeptic
My previous comments were for theists but I forgot to respond to your "evidence presented is not sufficient for them to believe in God".
My suggestion is that instead of sitting back and waiting on someone to present sufficient evidence for you to believe. Go out and dig out the rock for yourself. Instead of asking others to supply all the answers in a way that is acceptable to you.
Stop the retreat into a lack of faith and of making no claims. That is a position of weakness. It is a flimsy excuse to justify your inaction for not doing the hard work to answer the hard questions. Stop the equivocation of claiming lack of faith when you really mean you do not believe.
It is easy to say how others are wrong. The hard thing is to come up with the right answers yourself. In most any sport that I am marginally familiar with, I can tell you what the coach and players should have done. But it is another thing to get out on the field and win the game yourself.
It is easy to say what is not true. It is more courageous, difficult and proactive to say what is true. Openly, honestly and transparently say what is the truth. Go out and get it and then enlighten the rest of us.
@ Jo
We have all tried Jo, but it seems your "search for Truth" is as illusory as your god.
You have tried to "logic " your god into existence and failed
You failed in your history of your faith (and cherry picked authors) That is dishonest Jo.
You have demonstrated a total lack of morals in your defences of misogyny, genocide and racism.
attempts to use discredited apologetics to contradict the written text of your own 'holy book' is dishonest.
To then say, and assert without any evidence whatsoever that your particular sect/ belief whatever is the 'right way" and that you are living in 'truth" is just topsy turvy land. Or an outright lie.
Nearly everyone you have corresponded with on this site has demonstrated your amorality, dishonesty and lack of knowledge (where you haven't managed it yourself) .
Given the ignorance, lack of morals and sheer inability to research any topic, realise and disavow your errors; why should anyone give anything you write any credence?
@Jo uttered thusly: "My suggestion is that instead of sitting back and waiting on someone to present sufficient evidence for you to believe. Go out and dig out the rock for yourself. Instead of asking others to supply all the answers in a way that is acceptable to you.
Stop the retreat into a lack of faith and of making no claims."
Well, I tried. I was brought up in a home where there were no questions asked whether there is a god or not, and was in practice given no real alternatives to believing in this Jesus dude. However, I must be fair and say that my parents were quite liberal and would accept any belief or disbelief on my part. It's just that I was never presented with any alternatives. Already as a young boy I felt that there was something strange going on with this story about Jesus and his ghostly father. I tried reading the bible in an effort to strengthen my faith, but it just didn't turn out that way. All the improbable and impossible bible stories just made it weird. And all the biblical contradictions just made it even worse.
In practice, it was only after attending university that I was exposed to alternative ways of thinking. And after studying physics and mathematics, and reading up on evolution theory, paleontology, and geology, I decided that the evidence did not point toward stupid supertitious shit. And I realized that I actually had been a disbeliever all along. But all this time I thought it was MY fault that I couldn't wholeheartedly believe in the fairy tales. I wanted to believe, but couldn't. And it was not because I didn't try. So you can shut up with your shit about not trying to "find answers". The evidence just isn't supporting theism. If this god of yours really is all-knowing and all-powerful and wanted me to believe in him/her/it, he/she/it would have presented me with evidence good enough to convince me. But this just didn't happen. And the only logical conclusion is that IF there is a god, he/she/it cannot/refuses to present me with the necessary evidence. So far. I have done my part. It is now the hypothetical deity's move. But I'm not really counting on it to happen.
@GOML Re: "If this god of yours really is all-knowing and all-powerful and wanted me to believe in him/her/it, he/she/it would have presented me with evidence good enough to convince me. But this just didn't happen. And the only logical conclusion is that IF there is a god, he/she/it cannot/refuses to present me with the necessary evidence."
BINGO!... *clapping enthusiastically*... Give that man a cigar!
But, but, but, (*cough cough*) I don't smoke!
However, I have to give credits where credit is due - this argument is adapted from one presented by Matt Dillahunty, from somewhere on the youtubes.
@GOML Re: "But, but, but, (*cough cough*) I don't smoke!"
Oh, damn. My bad, dude. I should have told you it is one of those candy bubblegum cigars. By the way, how the hell did you get that thing lit???... *staring in open astonishment*...
Acetylene torch.