What if life was discovered on other planets?

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Danny Craft's picture
What if life was discovered on other planets?

Theists.. Since our incredible growing knowledge of the universe so far isn't enough to make you question your religion, I now wonder; How would you feel if life was discovered on other planets?

.. Logic will tell you that to assume we are alone in the universe isn't far short of insane! Would you class such a discovery as an evil test of faith sent by the devil? Or maybe that your God was also responsible for the creation of that life, but forgot to mention it in his book? Or maybe.. just maybe, would it make you more skeptical about, well, everything?!

I personally see it as a matter of time before we make the discovery. How would that make you feel?

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Zaphod's picture
Hey Danny Craft, Welcome to
Danny Craft's picture
Ello :)
efpierce's picture
I want to see some answers to
mattyn's picture
I wouldn't be surprised
CyberLN's picture
Not new books, the garden of
firebolt's picture
You are right about that
Lmale's picture
They did find a way to cover
Lmale's picture
What teaching that shit in
Lmale's picture
beneames's picture
The question of aliens doesn
Danny Craft's picture
So, regarding the OP, you
beneames's picture
Why would he need to mention
Danny Craft's picture
Well which is it; a book
beneames's picture
"There might not be aliens,
Danny Craft's picture
How is it in any way like
beneames's picture
That last comment reminds me
Zaphod's picture
Hey well considering my cover
SammyShazaam's picture
According to the current
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
agree, with that
Lmale's picture
He should have corrected
Lmale's picture
Oh and thats only the stars
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yep, there is evidence that
Michael Aaron Ott's picture
For me, I find it amazing to

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