What if Christianity Wasn't Formed Until Today?

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mattyn's picture
What if Christianity Wasn't Formed Until Today?

Christianity spread far and wide when it was first introduced to an unsuspecting world, but what if it wasn't introduced until today in this world of internet and information on demand?

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efpierce's picture
I think if Christianity wasn
Zaphod's picture
Now when you say Christiantiy
SammyShazaam's picture
Good point.
Zaphod's picture
That's a good point as well,
mysticrose's picture
If Christianity wasn't formed
SammyShazaam's picture
... how would Islam have come
Zaphod's picture
Though the profit Muhammad
SammyShazaam's picture
Hmm, I had always thought of
efpierce's picture
Touche' Sammy! Touche!
Spewer's picture
Well if someone went around
mattyn's picture
That's the answer I was
Zaphod's picture
It is a mind flip really, yes
SammyShazaam's picture
Depends on who he ran into
Spewer's picture
The big question is: Would
SammyShazaam's picture
Lmao, we could finally prove
ginamoon's picture
If Christianity is not
Zaphod's picture
Agreed there would still be
mysticrose's picture
You're right, as long as the
efpierce's picture
I can always count on you
mysticrose's picture
It was really a sad thing
Zaphod's picture
Yeah mystic there are people

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