What I Believe by Arakish

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arakish's picture
What I Believe by Arakish

This is a combination of things I have said here on these boards, but also a short blurb from a graphic I saw on the WWW. I tried finding the author but couldn't. It is almost like I do sometimes. Create a graphic and throw it onto the WWW anonymously.


Not only am I an Atheist.
I am also an Anti-Theist.
And an Anti-Religionist.
And I am a Soul Haunter.

I publicly argue passionately against any religion.
I publicly question any religion.
I publicly laugh at any religion.
I publicly shame any religion.
I publicly resist any religion.
I publicly defile any religion.

Why? Because I believe in something too.

There is no philosophical ideology more divisive than religion. Religion does nothing but pervert, demoralize, subvert, and bribe all persons with the belief that it possesses the one and only truth. And, the worst part of ANY religion is that it is an ideology that is implicitly and explicitly protected from any and all criticism from both within and without. Why should any ideology, especially religion, be so privileged? Can you not see how disastrous this way of thinking can be, and is?

I believe religion is, and has always been, tremendously harmful to Humanity. I believe that religions, and their way of thinking, and their theological disagreements, have created the greatest violence, destruction, injury, death, bigotry, harm, immorality, intolerance, wickedness, and abuse to the human species than any other cause. The main problem is not religious fundamentalism, but the fundamentals of religion. Religion’s loose version of “morality,” has NO place in a civilized society.

Sure. You can argue that it is the extremists, not the doctrine. All this says to me is that you have never truly read the various doctrines. It is both. Extremists might be using it as an excuse, but it is an excuse that the religious texts readily provide. I firmly believe, and shall take this belief to my grave, that the human species would have been much better off had there NEVER been ANY form of religion.

I see NO evidence of ANY gods, but plenty of evidence of religion’s harm.

And I am a lot more concerned with the welfare of my fellow human beings than I am about “offending” or “hurting the feelings” of a bunch of barbarians who choose to believe in the faerie tales of an obsolete, irrelevant, savage, offensive, and unsubstantiated, immoral Bronze Age religious text about an imaginative Sky Faerie and Magic Zombie Virgin.

Offended? So the fuck what!

Ultimately, it is Religion that is Humankind’s worst enemy.

— What I Believe, ARAKISH

Here is a High Resolution Photographic Quality JPEG of the above text.

8½ × 11 inches (21.59 × 27.94 cm) (4.13 MB (4,337,484 bytes))



EDIT: added graphics dimensions

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toto974's picture
I applaud. Religion thrives
LogicFTW's picture
Don't forget to abhorrent
toto974's picture
I agree, if one day i have
Cognostic's picture
RE: "I see NO evidence of
Apollo's picture
arakish's picture
Read it again. It is in
arakish's picture
And here is another about
Tin-Man's picture
Bravo! I especially like the
ʝօɦn 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐy's picture
I consider you an extremist.
Sheldon's picture
Theists have always had a
Tin-Man's picture
@John Re: "I consider you
ʝօɦn 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐy's picture
I don't know who Clyde
Tin-Man's picture
@John Re: "...my comment
Cognostic's picture
Asking for evidence makes one
arakish's picture
Breezy: "I consider you an
arakish's picture
Breezy Brain: "I consider you
arakish's picture
One of the all time classic
Tin-Man's picture
Oh, yeah!!! CLEM
arakish's picture
I use to watch him as a kid.
Tin-Man's picture
arakish's picture
Red Skelton was my favorite
arakish's picture
I am wrong. Foster Brooks
Cognostic's picture
One of the funniest men ever
quickusername10535's picture
Not all people believe in
Cognostic's picture
I BELIEVE .......
arakish's picture
I just had a thought.

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