What happens when we die? Thoughts on Spirits/Souls?

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JAlexG's picture
What happens when we die? Thoughts on Spirits/Souls?

So I know many religious people believe we go to either heaven or hell after we die, and others think we're incarnated, etc. but what do other Atheists usually believe? I'm Atheist and I believe that spirits exist in all animals (that includes humans) and I people I know or have heard of have been in contact with spirits and I think there's a few times where I could have been. I don't know where spirits "live" or "dwell" (not sure what word to use) but I am positive they exist. Anyway, whether you're an atheist or not, what do you think happens after you die?

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CyberLN's picture
I think a lot will happen
Luther's picture
Absolutely nothing
JAlexG's picture
So basically you go back to
ImFree's picture
You do not exist the same way
Mitch's picture
I don't know that anything
ImFree's picture
When each of us was born we
Nyarlathotep's picture
Without the constant input of
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Hmm, the truth is that we do
Nyarlathotep's picture
LOL, John Hagelin? Your new
Pitar's picture
We cease to exist.
Katya Alex Mogilevsky's picture
I don't believe anything
Mitch's picture
Welcome, Katya. You're new?
Katya Alex Mogilevsky's picture
I'm on the translator team,
ThePragmatic's picture
As the brain shuts down,
Darkhenoc1's picture
Yes it may all be over but
hermitdoc's picture
Dead is dead. Better live

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