What Evil Would Atheists Be Okay with God Allowing?

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Ilovequestions's picture
What Evil Would Atheists Be Okay with God Allowing?

1) You all, and reasonably so, ask theists how the "loving, caring" God of the Bible could allow genocide and murder and rape and large-scale destruction (and so on and so forth). You say that if He existed, He wouldn't allow those things.

My question is this: What evil could God allow that wouldn't be a problem for you all?

If He prevents genocide, you all would say He can't exist because He allows large-scale natural disasters. If He prevented those as well, you all would say He can't exist because He allows destructive sicknesses. If He prevented those as well, you all would say He can't exist because He allows murder. If He prevented that, you all would say He can't exist because He allows rape.

This would logically continue until the greatest evil in the world was a paper cut... and what loving, caring God would allow paper cuts?

You all make very good points, which is why the problem of evil is one of the biggest points against Christianity.

But tell me, at what evil would atheists stop and say, "You know, a loving, caring God AND (insert evil) can coexist. The problem of evil wouldn't be a problem anymore if this was the greatest evil out there."

Would you all only be satisfied with NO evil? A LITTLE evil? Etc.

2) Also, here's some food for thought... maybe God has prevented GREATER evils than the ones He has allowed. Maybe He is just shaking His head at you all and thinking, "They could never know this... but I've already prevented three nuclear wars from happening, several worldwide epidemics, and a few meteors from wiping out the human world. Stuff that would've been much worse than what they are going through now."

You all say how a loving God and evil can't coexist... but you have to at least admit you could never know if God is preventing even greater evils from happening. Doesn't this give you a little pause?

For example, You don't like genocide... but God may have prevented someone from being strong enough to implement worldwide slavery. Etc.

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Travis Hedglin's picture
"My question is this: What
Ilovequestions's picture
Thanks for the feedback! Okay
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"In philosophy, this is
goodspear's picture
Jeff, you didn't have a
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Jesus Christ you need therapy
science's picture
Adam and Eve...holy shit,
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Can you give an account of
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Can you give an account of
Travis Hedglin's picture
"Thanks for the feedback!
Ilovequestions's picture
"Even if it was logically
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"I answer this with specific
Ilovequestions's picture
As always, I love the
Travis Hedglin's picture
"Very true! I'm not saying
Ilovequestions's picture
"Depends. Roses only keep
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""*sigh* By "long", I thought
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Ilovequestions - "My question
Ilovequestions's picture
Tell me what you think of my
Nyarlathotep's picture
It is not possible to
Pitar's picture
There is no evil in the
science's picture
GREATER evils than the ones
Ilovequestions's picture
Oh, you know, nuclear world
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Essentially it's Epicurus'
Ilovequestions's picture
Thanks for the thoughtful
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I see a few inapplicable "you
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Well, frankly, it seems just
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I feel this question is
Ilovequestions's picture
In the beginning (when I
Nyarlathotep's picture
Yep, all of it. And yet he
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'For me, "good" is perfection
Ilovequestions's picture
My friend, I'm talking about


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