What do you think of Nassir Sidiki? How about Sid Roth?

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pork232's picture
What do you think of Nassir Sidiki? How about Sid Roth?


Alright, before you tell me how silly I am for posting this question, I am only a young teen so I am still very ignorant.The link I have provided is the shortest version I could find. Nassir (former Muslim)was also on "It's Supernatural with Sid Roth".
His claim is that at the Toronto General hospital, he had shingles so bad that he was expected to die. One night, he sees a bright light and this bright light is Jesus who tells him everything will be ok. Jesus then uses the Christian version of religious names. For example, instead of using the name Ishmael, he uses "Isaac". What is your opinion about this? Also, what do you think about Sid Roth and his show? He claims to witness miracles and has contestants who claim to have survived diseases that were deemed "incurable". Also, there is one case where a guy apparently grows back one of his limbs. The one thing I do however find strange is that there are no medical records to back this up.

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ThePragmatic's picture
I never heard of any of them
pork232's picture
@The Pragmatic
ThePragmatic's picture
@ port222
ThePragmatic's picture
You where quick to answer!
kathleenkirvin271's picture
Nassir Sidiki is a renowned
VItor's picture
Looking to boost your real
reinathorn's picture
Hey everyone! If you're a
cocacola89's picture
This essay was enlightening

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