What do you think about the times when non-christians suffered from christians?

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mysticrose's picture
What do you think about the times when non-christians suffered from christians?

Several centuries ago, during the time when Christianity just started to scatter all over the world, non followers of Christianity were treated as out-casts and given the punishment of death if they will not put their back from pagan's beliefs. What are your thoughts about it? Was it fair for pagan to be treated that way? It seems to be normal to Christians to do such cruel act because they believe that they will be save and that God will love it. How insane idea was it?

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rider's picture
I didn't know that. If that
damanar's picture
The irreligious are still
James's picture
this kind of things has
Trevor's picture
Whos insane idea was this?...
mysticrose's picture
Until now pagans still
Heather's picture
I think the threat of
SammyShazaam's picture
The Crusades, the Inquisition
yohanna76's picture
I found this paperial review

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