What do you think about preserving tattoos after death?

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cburns92's picture
What do you think about preserving tattoos after death?

Hiya everyone!
My name is Colin, I'm from Ohio, and I got my first tattoo when I was 16. Now I work for the National Association for the Preservation of Skin Art (NAPSA) at SaveMyInk.com, we are the folks who allow you to arrange for a tattoo to be removed and preserved when you die. I've already posted some debate threads on a few religious sites, so I figured it might something you folks would be interested in too.

What do you think about preserving the tattoos of a loved one?

I work within the community section on the website myself, but I can answer some questions if you're curious!

Please keep an open mind!

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Nyarlathotep's picture
It's just flesh.
Travis Hedglin's picture
I can see why some people
cburns92's picture
Great Point, Nyarlathotep!
Nutmeg's picture
I can't see the point in
cburns92's picture
It's not for everybody!
Miguel763's picture
I want to be cremated, and I
cburns92's picture
I'm the same way, all my

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