What do you make of this?

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Yochanan יהוה-הוא-אדיב Lilley's picture
What do you make of this?

I am about to post some video clips of Christians walking in the miraculous. I have personal Christian friends who are in contact with these Christians (visited them and so on).

I have two questions...

FIRSTLY: Do you consider these people to be:

(X) Sound in mind and integrity.
(-X) Unsound in mind and/or integrity.

SECONDLY: If you hold (X), what is your explanation for the miraculous experiences? And if it is not in agreement with their beliefs why is your explanation a better one than the one the people themselves give (faith in the power of Holy Spirit/Christ)?

Here are the video clips (please watch them all before commenting)...





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mykcob4's picture
What a bunch of BULLSHIT.
Yochanan יהוה-הוא-אדיב Lilley's picture
Wow, what an angry person you
Sheldon's picture
"SECONDLY: If you hold (X),
Yochanan יהוה-הוא-אדיב Lilley's picture
*Sigh* You should never have
Sheldon's picture
"The Interlocutor "Yet, you
watchman's picture
Odd ....
Yochanan יהוה-הוא-אדיב Lilley's picture
Firstly, lots of doctors and
biggus dickus's picture
Really? https://en.wikipedia
Sheldon's picture
"Firstly, lots of doctors and
Yochanan יהוה-הוא-אדיב Lilley's picture
CyberLN's picture
Sheldon's picture
"I am becoming so dis
mykcob4's picture
"FIRSTLY...blah, blah, blah,.
algebe's picture
@Mykcob4: "On average atheist

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