What do you guys think of WLC's definition of atheism/burden of proof

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fruyian's picture
What do you guys think of WLC's definition of atheism/burden of proof


From what I can get out of it is:
Basically he's using "atheist" the way we use "gnostic atheist", but adding in that anyone that claims to be what we term "agnostic atheist" is really a closet agnostic that is too cowardly to step up and be a "real" atheist. Reasonable certainty that dragons don't exist is sufficient to say, "Dragons don't exist". Nobody then throws a fit that "Well, there might be a dragon sleeping in a dark cavern in the remotest jungle of the rainforest, so you can't say that dragons don't exist, so you can't possibly be an adragonist." Only religious privilege lets people get away with using the "You gotta be 100% absolutely super-ultra-megacertain that gods aren't real to call yourself an atheist!!!" argument. Which is what WLC is doing.

What do you get out of it?

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ashley.twichell's picture
What I got from reading this:
algebe's picture
It's all rather trivial and
chimp3's picture
Lane states atheists are
Dave Matson's picture
chimp3's picture
@greensnake: At one point do
chimp3's picture
I came across this argument
Rukbat's picture
When I want WLC to tell me
MCDennis's picture
What do I think? I think he
chefu's picture
To make a truth claim you
Pitar's picture
I guess I stop at the

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