What do you feel about Homosexuality?

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Endri Guri's picture
What do you feel about Homosexuality?

Homosexuality has been a debate that's been going on for quite some time between Religious people and Doctors, Scientists and Physicians (whoever had a hand in this debate). And it seems that one side always reaches a conclusion of it's own just to end up walking on the other.

So, what do you feel about Homosexuality?
Pro (Alright with it) or No?

You can add your reason whatever it may be, your own thoughts.

- As for myself -
I support Homosexuality, it's the same as any other sexual orientation, (sorry for this to you readers) It requires a hole and a hole it shall find.
Some people deem it man-made, some see it as just "wrong" deny it as it "contradicts" their morals. But for myself, everyone deserves to live their life the way they want, it's not their "fault" because they are who they are, there's no "fault". My say is, people need to be more understanding about their position on this society, so they can at least learn not to show hate towards them and humiliate them. Homosexuality for me is not a choice, as is Heterosexuality and Bisexuality. I don't get to decide what attracts me, I don't get to decide which pheromones go in and out.

As of now, I haven't really found attraction to Females or Males, but Abs do have a way to trigger (not in that way, just aesthetically) me.

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xenoview's picture
Everyone has the freedom to
BAACKJD's picture
It's impossible for me to
Endri Guri's picture
I know right! That's what I
biggus dickus's picture
Do a quick Google search
BAACKJD's picture
Is this a search I can do on
Endri Guri's picture
Just did, hmm, never knew
biggus dickus's picture
Well into lesbian monkey sex?
BAACKJD's picture
They're having such a good
ThePragmatic's picture
Yes, the Bonobo's are a good
ZeffD's picture
Homosexuality, like any
Endri Guri's picture
The Bible is the only thing
CyberLN's picture
Enduring, you asked: "So,
Endri Guri's picture
By Pro or No I meant -
Truett's picture
I am pro-homosexuality. It
algebe's picture
I recall a scientist (maybe
BAACKJD's picture
I heard that. It's a
AlphaLogica157's picture
My personal position is that
Truett's picture
I agree with the point
algebe's picture
Here's an interesting thought
Truett's picture
I never knew that about King
algebe's picture
Yes. James I was actually
mykcob4's picture
Sexual preference is up to
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
I don't accept or tolerate it
BAACKJD's picture
An interesting point
ZeffD's picture
I have read a great many
algebe's picture
Maybe historical orthodoxy
mbrownec's picture
As a bisexual male, my
Endri Guri's picture
I have to say, again, Sex is
BAACKJD's picture
"So ... is my bisexuality
chimp3's picture
I am convinced innate but if


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