What do you like about religion?

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david43's picture
What do you like about religion?

Just like the title say, what part of religion, the concept as a whole, do you appreciate? I'm an atheist myself and I don't believe in any faith. Yet I just love the diversity of belief systems and myths out there. How people come up with an explanation of the world and try to understand it. And as an author, there is a wealth of interesting ideas I can draw from and play within my fantasy worlds.

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Cognostic's picture
The free sex. Where else can
david43's picture
Ha, ha, ha... An evil man
Up To My Neck's picture
The ability to gather
david43's picture
I'll admit, I would love some
Randomhero1982's picture
I'm honestly not sure...
david43's picture
I agree with for the most
Sapporo's picture
Religion has nothing unique
david43's picture
Fair enough. I just like to
LogicFTW's picture
@Orignal Post
david43's picture
Cybersecurity? Do you work
LogicFTW's picture
Indeed I do.
david43's picture
So what it like doing it?
LogicFTW's picture
What is cyber security (as a
david43's picture
Well, I can't say I could do
LogicFTW's picture
I enjoy the freedom of
In Spirit's picture
I like to be in a church
david43's picture
Yeah, I like religious music
jay-h's picture
" I tell them that in the
In Spirit's picture
david43's picture
Wrath of Theists... Hum, I
Cognostic's picture
jay-h's picture
It's a bit of a
Cognostic's picture
@NeverHappened: "It's a bit
David Killens's picture
Religion is a crutch for
jay-h's picture
"Religion is obsolete. There
Cognostic's picture
@NeverHappened: "Science
jay-h's picture
Science quantifies things. It
Cognostic's picture
RE: Generic 'most good for
algebe's picture
I like some of the music, art
mosser's picture
I find it terribly

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