What to do about Syrian Refugees?

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dwatch's picture
What to do about Syrian Refugees?

I'm new to this forum but I met Armin Navabi at the Non-Con 2015.

Anyway, I'm looking for advice from Muslims/exMuslims about how Canadians should approach the Syrian refugee crisis.

Am I racist/islamophobic for having grave concerns about the competence of Canadian Immigration to fast-track 25,000 Syrian refugees without compromising security?

Is it bigoted to believe that we should favour the more vulnerable ethnic/religious minorities, LGBT, atheists etc. over those who are ideologically aligned with ISIS (believe in death for apostasy/adultery etc.)?

For example: in a desire to help Syrian refugees, the liberal Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC) has, for some unfathomable reason, chosen to partner with the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC), a Saudi funded, Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas affiliated Islamist organization. Am I misguided for seeing this as very ironic? Doesn't this affiliation guarantee that the sponsored refugees will be ghettoized rather than assimilate and adopt Canadian values?

Furthermore, even if Canada and others manage to admit only the non-radicals, haven't we participated in an ethnic cleansing of the region thus ensuring it's continued failed-state status? Wouldn't it be better for everyone to stabilize the region and make it safer to live in?

Given the current situation, it seems to me that we Canadians (and others) will experience dire unintended consequences of a fast-track refugee policy.


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Nutmeg's picture
To respond to the thread

To respond to the thread title rather than the OP, the essential first step is to end the civil war in Syria. There is at least some move towards a political agreement now. Once that is done the rest will fall into place - reconstruction/return of the population.

Vincent Paul Tran's picture
Nutmeg, look at Cambodia. no

Nutmeg, look at Cambodia. no one wants to live there

Nutmeg's picture
Well, that place is a mess

Well, that place is a mess for sure. But if the Assad regime were promised military aid in return for reform, say with UN oversight, it should still be possible to stabilise the country and start rebuilding. Then with IS removed from Syria it would be easier to remove it from Iraq. Take away its cash and territory and it becomes like AQ, which has been pretty much controlled recently. It may not be perfect but at least its a plan, and better than we have today.

Vincent Paul Tran's picture
but things like that haven't

but things like that haven't worked since post wwii reconstruction of europe and japan

Nutmeg's picture
So it did work then and it

So it did work then and it can work again. What's your solution then? Allow millions more refugees into Europe? Continue the killing in Syria? Allow IS to flourish?

Vincent Paul Tran's picture
I have no solution. I don't

I have no solution. I don't know the middle east and know even less about public policy. I'm just pointing out the dangers. For all I know, anything could work

Nutmeg's picture
Look, you can't do anything

Look, you can't do anything when the bullets and bombs are flying around. So fix that first, and then look for the long term solution. It's not rocket science.

Vincent Paul Tran's picture


Jeff Vella Leone's picture
The elite could easily end

The elite could easily end all wars with a simple virus, then give vaccines to the ones who want peace.
Very simple solution that should bring on its knees any third world country that uses stupefied illiterate people to bully everyone around them.

No need of bombs or anything, the problem is that there are some important people who profit from this mess, and i think we should address that first.

making policies which removes any profit for people from benefiting when countries are invaded by refugees.

I understand that no one can live in those conditions but dismantling a caste to save another one, does not make sens at all in the long run.

Not even god knows the damage some European countries will suffer from the ramification of this invasion.
One of them might even become a new Somalia if things are not done soon and then we have more refugees.

The idea of everything can be solved with a discussion at a table, is stupid when some basic level of education are not installed in the public at large.
Since it becomes easy for any person to ignite a revolution by manipulating those people.

What needs to be done is a show of force that forces education down their throats and stop hurting other people for their own ignorance and wrong doings.
(eg making babies instead of watching tv or some other thing)

Seriously, in some third world countries, making more children = more financial income.

Makes me palm face and puke.

Then you wonder why religions flourish in those countries.

It has something to do with how easy it is to manipulate them.
Especially when are accompanied by a piece of bread that the church did not even pay for but was give to charity by the other ignorant masses in Europe and the west.

CyberLN's picture
Jeff, who the hell are these

Jeff, who the hell are these 'elite' of whom you speak and who the hell decided they were such in the first place?

Are you one of them?

Will you get the vaccine?

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Since I know this is one of

Since I know this is one of your usual questions to discredit the argument, and not really interested in an answer, I will just leave it at that.

Whoever knows anything of how the world works, knows exactly what I am talking about.

CyberLN's picture
It absolutely is to discredit

It absolutely is to discredit that suggestion (for it wasn't an arguement). Since you thought it worth saying, I would like answers to my questions. Unless, of course, you haven't reasonable answers. I think that suggestion indicates you have been watching reruns of The X Files.

Jeff, as to your second comment...are you suggesting that in addition to being a math expert, a physics expert, an expert in anthropology, etc., you are a sociology expert as well? Or are you merely asserting that I am a dumbass and you are brilliant?

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Jeff, as to your second

"Jeff, as to your second comment...are you suggesting that in addition to being a math expert, a physics expert, an expert in anthropology, etc., you are a sociology expert as well? Or are you merely asserting that I am a dumbass and you are brilliant?"

I never said such things, instead of making false accusations and genetic fallacies why don't you find something better to do with your miserable life.

For your info, airborne viruses and airborne vaccine are quite well know existing facts, they are already in use for other things like:

This is no science fiction, I am no expert but unlike you, I at least do my research before attacking or try to discredit a claim.
Also, I do not look at a claim based on how much I hate a person position on some other topics like you and the troll Nyarlathotep do with me.

You two are the disgrace of this forum, and should be ashamed of yourself.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Hey Jeff, that article you

Hey Jeff, that article you linked (http://townhall.com/news/us/2012/01/17/massive_airborne_rabies_vaccinati...), is not about airborne vaccines; yes the title is misleading, but you should try reading the article first. They drop a packet and hope the coyotes eat it.

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
So?, they could drop the

So?, they could drop the vaccine or wait for enemy to surrender outside the enemy territory to give it to them after they surrender, no need for me to get the vaccine for them like Cyber suggested.
"Will you get the vaccine?"

That was my point, no need of bombs, a virus can work was my main point.

CyberLN's picture
Whatever, Jeff

Whatever, Jeff

Nyarlathotep's picture
Jeff - "The elite could

Jeff - "The elite could easily end all wars with a simple virus, then give vaccines to the ones who want peace."

I would have guessed you would recommend using UFO's, sacred geometry, and an army of "bigfoots" to bring about world peace.

Vincent Paul Tran's picture
sigh.... this is just dumb.

sigh.... this is just dumb. talking about something that simply wont happen with any possibility in this century is a waste of time.

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