What better explains reality: atheism or theism?

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JimMagditch's picture
What better explains reality: atheism or theism?

[edited: copyrighted, plagiarized post deleted, click here for source material - Nyarlathotep]

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Cognostic's picture
Atheism has no definition of
toto974's picture
A lot of your questions boil
Jentastic103's picture
Your interpretation is of
Cognostic's picture
@ "Atheists can't just
Cognostic's picture
@ "They must make a
Cognostic's picture
@ "Simply lacking a belief in


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Cognostic's picture
@"If lacking a belief in God
Cognostic's picture
@ A true atheist is someone
toto974's picture
And by the way,in regard to
Cognostic's picture
Atheists have no burden of
Cognostic's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Tin-Man's picture
chimp3's picture
JimM: "Objective morality"
David Killens's picture
I am an atheist. I lack a
Cognostic's picture
These people that make run-on
chimp3's picture
This is more like loading a
David Killens's picture
Yup, something is fishy,
Cognostic's picture
Tin Man's V-JJ?
Tin-Man's picture
@Cog Re: "Tin Man's V-JJ? Or
Cognostic's picture
Okay, It's monkey butts
arakish's picture
Oh. So sorry. That smell
Grinseed's picture
Ironically no theist I know
Sapporo's picture
Science has produced the most
arakish's picture
@ OP: What better explains
Nyarlathotep's picture
Stealing the work of other
CyberLN's picture
I will also get a person
arakish's picture
I don't know about that.
toto974's picture
No sight of him/her yet...
JimMagditch's picture
Charles Darwin plagiarized


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