What is the best way to "convert" a Christian?

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Question_everything's picture
What is the best way to "convert" a Christian?

I am an atheist because I care about the truth. If I were believing in something that is not valid, I would want to know. I can't say that I see this quality in most religious people. It's very difficult to have an open and honest discussion with them about their beliefs. The debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham highlighted this issue the best when Ken Ham said,"No one is ever gonna convince me that the word of God is not true." At that point, there is no reason to continue discourse. With that being said, I have two questions.

1) Is it possible to change a religious persons mind?
2) How do you do it?

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ThePragmatic's picture
I'd say this:
Truett's picture
Great thread, Audrey. I'll
hunter2342's picture
I'd have to sorta disagree
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
I like them all too, but Sam
Endri Guri's picture
You know, there is this
Alembé's picture
Hi Endri,
mbrownec's picture
1. Why do you want to "covert
Question_everything's picture
You should really have read
Truett's picture
Hi Mbrownec,
Kostas Louritis's picture
I don't think it is possible
chimp3's picture
I am not an evangelist for
Question_everything's picture
Same. I am normally fine with
mykcob4's picture
People have to become an
Closet_atheist's picture
Like others here have said
hunter2342's picture
I would have to agree with
algebe's picture
@Spicyharris "The reasons
Sky Pilot's picture
If a person claims to be
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
The way I see it, non
Dragon reborn's picture
Education, if anything. Yet,
joeligori's picture
I'm not sure that 'converting
charvakheresy's picture
I once read a book written by
ThePragmatic's picture
An interesting article by
xenoview's picture
They have to decide to leave
Lucifer's Duck's picture
More questions than answers

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