What is the best thing about being an atheist?

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rider's picture
What is the best thing about being an atheist?

I'm just curious about it. :)

BTW, I'm a Christian, but not a very devoted one. I pray, but I rarely go to church.

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damanar's picture
Being open minded. You are
Jess-Nielsen's picture
Doing good things for the
SammyShazaam's picture
You took the words right out
fallout13's picture
Being an Atheist means like
samking009's picture
The best thing about atheist
Tman127182's picture
False, Most if not all
samking009's picture
And when they find evidence
Mike Lammersdorf's picture
I have always believed that
Lauren's picture
The best thing about being an
mysticrose's picture
Freedom from fear for the
Heather's picture
For me, the best part is not
James's picture
Godless people and secular
James's picture
and last but not least the
mysticrose's picture
In the end if our beliefs
James's picture
The fact that being an
Trevor's picture
Short but sweet, i completely
Diego Javier Noguera Rico's picture
I like not having to verbally
SammyShazaam's picture
I agree - it's nice to give
DarkLight's picture
I think there are atheists
SammyShazaam's picture
For those of us that are
will95206's picture
Not wasting your time for
Mike Lammersdorf's picture
The best thing, to me, about
Zaphod's picture
I wont say open-mindedness
SammyShazaam's picture
Alright man, I confess - it's
Zaphod's picture
LOL, the priest I have known
SammyShazaam's picture
5 minute mass - I think you
Zaphod's picture
I am almost certain if you
SammyShazaam's picture
If I paid for a 5 minute Bone
ginamoon's picture
I am a Catholic and it is
SammyShazaam's picture
Correct me if I'm wrong, but


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