What are we doing?

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Danny Craft's picture
What are we doing?

Personally as an Atheist, I class myself as enlightened from the delusional oppression of religion. I sure many feel the same?
.. But I often see (and am guilty myself of) the attacking (not physically of course) of those do have faith in a religion. Which makes me wonder; What the fuck are we doing?!

Basically, when someones beliefs are attacked, generally it triggers a kind of "safe mode". Something similar to a child putting their fingers in their ears and screaming LALALALALA!!! .. My point is, this is actually reinforcing their belief and just brings hatred to the Atheist community. The arrogant belittling of Theists only strengthens their distorted perspective and gives them no reason why they should take on board a single word we say.
.. The moment we become insulting or in any way classing ourselves as "better" than those who are religious, we have failed. Not as Atheists, as a species. Always keep in mind, these people are, by no means, inferior to us. We too would be lost in religion had we been as heavily indoctrinated as them. It is through education and the environment we are raised in that lead to the rejection of religion, not through us being superior. We are not. We are the same. And only through rational logic and reason, along with challenging questions can we help a person to figure that out for themselves.

An absolute way of looking at it is; if you're not one of the ones cleaning up the mess, you're one of the ones making it

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Zaphod's picture
Personally I like to give
Lmale's picture
Well said. I try to expose
Danny Craft's picture
All true.. you've caused me
SammyShazaam's picture
I totally see your point, and
Lmale's picture
Well said.
jordtame's picture
Sometimes it is just plain
Zaphod's picture
I like that saying of yours!
RobertDouglas's picture
I wonder if you saw the same
Lmale's picture
Yes and believe usa should
SammyShazaam's picture
What they did was certainly
jordtame's picture
For some it is more that the
Zaphod's picture
Agreed, but still there are
Lmale's picture
Oh shit i think ive figured

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