What are some reasons not to believe the Bible?

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Jacob Martinez's picture
What are some reasons not to believe the Bible?

I want to believe in God, but I feel like the Bible has a lot of errors in it. Why do you guys think the God of the Bible isn't really as great as he claims to be?

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Nyarlathotep's picture
It isn't about greatness per
ImFree's picture
In addition to the many
CyberLN's picture
Why do you want to believe in
Jacob Martinez's picture
I want to believe that there
CyberLN's picture
If you want someone to care
ThePragmatic's picture
At the very least, don't
Capt.Bobfm's picture
According to the bible, he
ImFree's picture
I’ve never seen any credible
ImFree's picture
I’ve never seen any credible
ImFree's picture
I’ve never seen any credible
Jacob Martinez's picture
Thanks for the input guys. I
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
i think a hitch slap is
Domingo De Santa Clara's picture
I'm not just picking on this
ex-christian_atheist's picture
Would you capitalize Harry
Domingo De Santa Clara's picture
Yes,he exists as a fictional
Jacob Martinez's picture
Idk I think most people just
ex-christian_atheist's picture
I think one of the best
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
yeah , it was written after
Spewer's picture
"Why do you guys think the
mysticrose's picture
If you see a lot of errors in
Travis Hedglin's picture
You already understand, from

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