What are the chances that Stalin/Hitler is in Hell?

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M_Kiik's picture
What are the chances that Stalin/Hitler is in Hell?

I'm asking this to see the opinions of atheists.
No one knows if something will happen when we die. We cannot be 100% sure of there being no afterlife, what are the odds you guys think that a murderer, or a person who does terrible things like Stalin is in hell? By hell I mean endless torture of any kind.
We need to take into account some of the visions people have had too. Although the odds are lower they are just illusions, they are not fully proven to be false. Some people have dreams, others have near death experience, other people maybe see afterlife through meditation. Many people say they see hell somehow. So, if we were not to say absolutely zero percent, what are the chances bad people are actually in hell? Tell me that!

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MCDennis's picture
Under christian dogma, if
Caesar_52's picture
If there were any such places
mykcob4's picture
There is zero chance because
MCDennis's picture
This is of course the anti
ThePragmatic's picture
I agree with the meaning of
mykcob4's picture
Nope, I don't have to prove
M_Kiik's picture
you are wrong. Just because
mykcob4's picture
It has nothing to do with
M_Kiik's picture
Ok, although I don't believe
algebe's picture
M_Kiik's picture
Algebe: I agree. There is far
Caesar_52's picture
While I do agree that you
Caesar_52's picture
In short, I will believe it
Stu. K.'s picture
Out of curiosity, what in
Dave Matson's picture
I imagine that a life is like
algebe's picture
There's zero evidence for the
Caesar_52's picture
You speak for me here, as
Breeon's picture
There is no reason to believe
biggus dickus's picture
Yo Biggus is a Neurosurgeon
Alembé's picture
Hi Biggus,
Breeon's picture
biggus dickus's picture
wallll I fink if ben car son
Nyarlathotep's picture
Incredible Focus - how can an
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Kiik
M_Kiik's picture
@Pragmatic What about
Nyarlathotep's picture
People raised to expect fire
M_Kiik's picture
@Nyarlathotep I looked that
Nyarlathotep's picture
Kiik - If they don't believe
Caesar_52's picture
Have you ever been under a
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Kiik


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