We're all arrogant, ignorant and dangerous

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algebe's picture
We're all arrogant, ignorant and dangerous


Anthony DeStefano published this opinion piece on the Fox website. I was intrigued by the following assertion.

"Atheists believe that the vast majority of human beings from all periods of time and all places on the Earth have been wrong about the thing most important to them."

He means that the vast majority of people throughout history have been theists. That may be true, but the vast majority of people have also been forced into orthodoxy by various despots, and their beliefs have ranged from the life-worshipping Jains of India to the baby-burning Baalists of ancient Carthage.

The evidence of history is that religions evolve out of local cultures, that they hate each other more than they hate atheists, and that when people are free and educated, they tend to wipe religion of their shoes and walk on.

For the record, I don't mind people saying "Merry Christmas" or eating hot-cross rabbit eggs as long as they don't force me to join in or expect to pay for their folly. So yes, I'm an arrogant bully.

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Cognostic's picture
RE: OP: ""Atheists believe
Sapporo's picture
Where does he get the idea I
comoke1024's picture
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I believe that 76% may SAY
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HAY! Jest caws I iz pertier
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The majority of human beings
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"Atheists believe that the
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@Skeptical Kevin: What reason
comoke1024's picture
In the US, Christians


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