Weirdest, stupidest, or funniest religious rituals

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algebe's picture
Weirdest, stupidest, or funniest religious rituals

What are the craziest religious rituals you've ever heard of?

On NHK news today, I saw people engaging in the Buddhist cucumber purification ritual. You go to a certain temple, where you buy a piece of paper and a cucumber for an inflated price. You write your ailment on the paper, which a monk then rolls up and inserts into a hole drilled in the cucumber. Take the cucumber home and rub on it affected part of your body twice a day for three days, and then bury it. And hey presto you're cured!

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watchman's picture
Cognostic's picture
Stupidest thing I have ever
Cognostic's picture
The Ritual Killing of Witches
Muashkis's picture
That reminds me of a pagan
CyberLN's picture
Rituals are everywhere.
LogicFTW's picture
What about piercings? Ears,
CyberLN's picture
Those things are typically
LogicFTW's picture
That is a very important
Cognostic's picture
You have just never had a
arakish's picture
Algebe: What are the craziest
Cognostic's picture
Christmas is an absolutely
The_Quieter's picture
I maintain that "rituals"
Grinseed's picture
All those weird self-harm
mickron88's picture
there's loads of them here in
Cognostic's picture
@ Grinseed: "Self harming
arakish's picture
Cognostic: Wasn't it WC
Cognostic's picture
Well, he was obviously right!

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