It’s about 4:30am. I’ve had my cup of coffee and smoke and my brain juices are flowing. I got to thinking about two weird experiences I had...
One was a lucid dream. I “woke up” consciously in my dream. I knew I was dreaming and everything was so real. I was in Russia, Moscow to be specific with my boys, walking to our hotel. I told my oldest I was dreaming and he looked at me like I was crazy. We got to the hotel and my youngest laid down on the couch. I sat at the end, near his feet and touched the coffee table on purpose. It was solid. I remember being so amazed at how real it all was...
The second was I took a small nap. My bed is situated where the head of the bed is against a wall but you can see down the hallway. I woke up, and couldn’t move. I was awake and had a bad feeling. I looked down the hall and I kid you not two fucking aliens are heading my your typical grey and the second was one of those “teddy bear, cloak wearing, Star Wars” type. I remember yelling in my head “get the fuck out of here!” They disappeared and I could move.
Just to be clear, I had heard of sleep paralysis but had never experienced it before. Crazy shit.
I shared these experiences here because some of the people I know in real life would conclude otherwise... and when others share their experiences with me and conclude “Demons, Alien abduction, angel, etc” I tell you - I don’t dismiss their experience (in most cases) just their “conclusion”.
I had a friend who really believed her spirit guide talked to her. She was dating my brother. Over coffee once she told me her spirit guide wanted her to get pregnant with my brothers kid. I fucking almost spit my coffee over the table. I just asked her ... “really? Is your guide going to raise the kid? You know, make money, change diapers - if not - I’d tell it to shut the fuck up”
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